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Bee PollenLow Carb Diet - Part 1
It is quite a contradiction, when we learn the fact that our ancestors once had to hunt and wander around marathon days for food, that consisted mainly of meat, fruits, grains and perhaps nuts. And then for a treat of sweet, the dessert solely consisted of honey collected from the beehives.
Adversely, in today?s contemporary world, despite the advancement in technology and research, the society is under threat of nutritional crisis and in need of proper remedies. What could possibly be concluded about the fact that more than half of the US population are under the risk of obesity? The outbreak of diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and hypertension that are directly linked with obesity has risen significantly in recent times.
According to Diabetes UK, the number of young children with diabetes Type 1 has substantially increased in the United Kingdom. Each year, the number of children diagnosed with the Type 1 is increasing by a 2.3 percent. These syndromes had been quite unfamiliar to the paediatricians but they are noticed a lot among the juvenile population lately.
As life has become more complicated, people are more concerned about their general health and fitness. The need of an apposite diet in a person?s everyday life has become more essential. This concept has given rise to many diets, such as ones known as the low carb diet. It is nothing but just the opposite of a low fat diet.
The sole purpose of curb diet is weight loss. It also generates ethical factors, like the feeling of well being in a person. This kind of nutritional regime limits the intake of sugar and carbohydrates from the diet. Human body requires energy to function and the carbohydrate in one?s diet plays a vital role here, being the source of most of the energy for metabolism. Since, low carb diet restricts the intake of carbohydrate, the body would take in mostly fat to convert to glycogen. As a result the body burns more fat, that are stored in the body, thus bringing about a rapid and significant weight loss.
Usually, low curb diet consists of food that are rich in protein and fat. Food items like meat, cheese, fish and eggs are emphasized in the diet plan. While the restricted food includes white rice, potatoes, bread, pasta and cereals. Only an insignificant amount, about 15 to 40 grams per day is allowed. However, there are no restrictions on the amount of calories or the measure of food taken in this diet. So, the person undergoing this plan would not usually experience hunger between meals, unlike any other diet.
A very typical low carb breakfast menu could consist of eggs, vegetable Frittata (made from a combination of various vegetable leftovers and eggs), low carb cereals such as Flax-O Meal, bakeries made from low carb ingredients (muffins, cakes, bread or pancakes) and dairy products such as yoghurt, cottage cheese, Ricotta or Tofu.
The lunch menu could consist of generous amounts of salads, rolls and wraps (stuffed with vegetables, meat or fish) and soups.
A low carb dinner could vary from a wide range of dishes. This may include chicken potpie as an alternative of pasta, grilled meat or broiled fish as substitutes for rice and potatoes, soups and salads. You may even experiment with continental dishes such as Thai or Greek, since they are mostly low on carbohydrate.
Wouter Van Dyck wrote many articles about different weight loss plans. He has experienced dozens of programs himself over the years but finally found a solution. You can read more about losing weight and more about low carb diet on the kimkins review website: | |
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Hemp Updates
Natural RemedyMake the Link between Diabetes and Heart Disease
(ARA) - Diabetes is a complex disease that can be difficult to understand and an even greater challenge to manage. The most life-threatening complications of diabetes are heart disease and stroke, which strike two out of three people with diabetes. Alarmingly, most people who have diabetes are unaware of their increased risk for heart disease and stroke. The good news is that people with diabetes can help reduce these risks by understanding and properly managing their disease.
First, managing the ABCs of diabetes -- A1C (a blood test which provides a big picture of your average blood sugar), Blood pressure and Cholesterol -- will help reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke and other health problems. Beyond managing the ABCs, successful diabetes care also means understanding the disease itself and how it affects your body. Link for Life is an interactive, online tool filled with practical tips and valuable information about diabetes.
Type Two Lou, an animated character who hosts the program, takes visitors into a virtual classroom, Diabetes 101. Link for Life consists of four distinct courses:
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2. Diabetes and related health problems
3. The ABCs of diabetes
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Through colorful animation, Link for Life describes how diabetes affects your body and describes the key components of diabetes care. Special features include tips on meal planning, managing medicines, diabetes self-care, and getting the most from visits with your health care providers. Most importantly, the program shows that by increasing knowledge and taking charge of diabetes, people with diabetes can reduce their risk for heart disease, stroke and other long-term health problems. To log onto Link for Life, visit and click on the Link for Life icon in the center of the screen. To learn more about the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease, call (800) DIABETES (342-2383)
Courtesy of ARA Content
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Similarly, obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer, and overweight women have higher levels of estrogen than thinner women. That's because fat cells produce estrogen from the hormone androgen in the body. The higher the percentage of body fat, the greater the production of estrogen.
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Fat Has Long Been Known As One Of The Evil Elements In Breast Cancer
Research has shown that too much fat in the fodder cup increases the tumor risk. In addition, international comparative studies stated, where greater amounts of fat were consumed, breast cancer cases rose.
The quality of the results of these comparative studies does not leave much to the imagination. They are based on agricultural production numbers and state nothing about the fat consumption of individual persons.
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Natural Remedy article
Natural RemedyA Comprehensive Overview of Heartworm Disease in Dogs
Although heartworm disease is one of the easiest diseases to prevent in dogs, the number of canines being infected by such illness is on the rise in the US and even other parts of the world. The major reasons for the increase are negligence and ignorance by numerous pet owners throughout the country. A number of dog owners either have never heard of the disease or believe that no mosquito could penetrate the skin of their hairy dogs.
Despite graphic posters showing the hearts of infected dogs, which are often displayed on veterinary clinics, many dog owners still end up losing their canine companions to this disease primarily because they do not take precautionary measures that could help detect such illness in dogs at an early stage. They pass up heartworm tests no matter what veterinarians say.
Dirofilaria immitis, the medical term for heartworm disease, is actually a parasitic infestation of nematodes that is transmitted through a mosquito bite. Heartworm disease is rampant in places with high mosquito population and in areas near the Mississippi River, including its tributaries, and the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, according to data from the Heartworm Society.
Heartworm disease is present in all continents except Antarctica. Heartworms grow and breed in areas with a type of weather that sustains the life cycle of the parasite, a constant reservoir of the illness, a huge population of mosquito, and a huge population of susceptible dogs.
The temperature of over 80 degrees is the ideal climate required by the microfilariae, which are larvae of the parasites, to develop. Although an untreated dog cannot directly infect other susceptible hosts, such as other dogs, foxes, and even cats, it can serve as a reservoir for the propagation of the disease. Mosquitoes transfer microfilariae from an untreated animal to another.
Symptoms of heartworm disease
It takes several months, usually about six or seven, before adult heartworms reach the heart of the dog. Thus, you might not be able to detect that your dog is suffering from the disease even months after your pet has been bitten by a mosquito carrying the parasites. Symptoms usually appear when there are already numerous heartworm adults living inside the heart of your dog or even a year after the initial infestation.
Heartworms can grow up to 14 inches in length and can stay inside your dog's arteries, heart and lungs for years. However, symptoms usually appear earlier in active dogs.
The first sign of infestation is soft cough, which is usually dismissed by dog owners as cold symptoms. The cough may worsen when the number of worms in the dog's heart has reached an alarming level. As the disease develops, your dog may appear listless and weak. You will find that your dog is losing weight and gets tired easily. Sometimes, dogs faint even from slight exertion.
As the adult heartworms increases in number, the chance of your dog's survival gets slimmer. At the final stage of infestation, when over hundreds of heartworms enter the host's heart, complications like clotting problems, embolism, and organ failure will lead to your pet's painful demise.
Testing for the disease
In order to find out if your dog has heartworm disease, the animal must undergo some blood tests. The first test is filtration, which will determine if there are microfilariae in your pet's blood. The other test is an occult test, which detects adult worms in the heart. It is advisable to get both tests since the absence of the heartworm's larvae in the blood is not a guarantee that there are no adult worms in the dog's heart. Aside from blood tests, vets also find worms in the dog's heart and lungs by means of x-rays.
Treatment and Prevention
It is quite easy to get rid of the parasites when the infestation has not yet reached extreme levels. However, before any treatment is given to eradicate the worms from the dog's system, the veterinarian would first check the dog's condition and try to treat complications of the infestation, such as liver and heart failures, etc.
Two daily doses of arsenic compound or a new drug, which is safer for dogs, are usually given to dogs for two days. Dogs must not exert too much effort during the weeks following the ingestion of the drug. Too much exertion might cause the dead heartworms to travel to the lungs, which might result in suffocation.
After the adult worms have been eradicated, the dog will have to undergo a weeklong treatment for the killing of microfilariae in the blood. Your dog needs to undergo a series of blood tests and purging until all the traces of microfilariae and adult heartworms are gone.
If the infestation is already in its final stages, your canine companion might have to undergo surgery.
There are many medications, both topical and oral, that are available for the prevention of heartworm infestation. Just ask your veterinarian what drugs and other measures you could do to prevent your dog from getting such a debilitating, and often fatal, disease.
About the Author
John S. Rhodes is the author behind Pet Comfort Products at
John also publisheds The Pet Comfort Newsletter, your trusted source of pet news. Sign up to receive the free newsletter now:
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