Saturday, September 27, 2008

A blog about Himilayan Goji Berrys

Himilayan Goji BerrysRestaurant Review: The bloom is definitely on at Asian Rose - San Jose Mercury News

Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:35:30 GMT

Restaurant Review: The bloom is definitely on at Asian Rose
San Jose Mercury News, USA - Sep 10, 2008
... Mint Soda $3.75 and a bright, tangy concoction called Supertonic $4.25 -- jazzed with ginseng, ginger, allspice and ruby-red Himalayan goji berries. ...

Picky Eater: Dorot Foods delivers herbs year-round - Alameda Times-Star

Tue, 23 Sep 2008 19:04:46 GMT

Picky Eater: Dorot Foods delivers herbs year-round
Alameda Times-Star, CA - Sep 23, 2008
EAT LOCAL: Drop that imported banana and put those Himalayan goji berries away. It's time to take part in the Fourth Annual Eat Local Challenge, ...

Picky Eater: Dorot Foods delivers herbs year-round - Alameda Times-Star

Tue, 23 Sep 2008 19:04:46 GMT

Picky Eater: Dorot Foods delivers herbs year-round
Alameda Times-Star, CA - Sep 23, 2008
EAT LOCAL: Drop that imported banana and put those Himalayan goji berries away. It's time to take part in the Fourth Annual Eat Local Challenge, ...

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Himilayan Goji Berrys DiscussionFlatulence/Gas

Watermelons were primarily grown on lighter soils in regions with warmer climates. Watermelons were a warm season crops consumed as dessert fruits and the rinds were used for making pickles and preserves. However, with increased market acceptance, better edible quality and long distance shipping adaptability, the growth of watermelons has increased worldwide. Certain breeds of watermelons have been developed to be more specific to regions of the world. The breeding has resulted in improved quality, which involves maximum sugar content, excellent flavor, and firm flesh with deep red color pigment due to the presence of lycopene.

The sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. It reduces the risk of fatal diseases like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis. Watermelon is rich in the B vitamins necessary for energy production. Watermelon is a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of vitamin B1, magnesium, and potassium. Watermelon has a high nutrient density due to the higher water content and lower calorie content than many other fruits. A rich source of vitamins A and C, watermelon also contains lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment that occurs naturally in certain plant and algal tissues. In addition to giving watermelon and tomatoes their color it is an excellent anti-oxidant that can help prevent heart disease and some forms of cancer.
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Organic Chlorella Reviews and info

Organic ChlorellaNutrition in Sports and Healthy Living

A conference was held in Lausanne in 2003 on Sport nutrition, organised by International Olympic Committee. The meeting was attended by scientists, doctors, dietitians and many other experts and professionals on the topic. Also in attendance was Frankie Fredricks (one of the world's all-time greatest sprinters) who made sure the issue was much practical. The conference was clear about the role and importance of nutrition in healthy living and sport. Resultantly, it was decided that each athlete taking part in the 2004 edition of the Olympics would be given a booklet on practical guidance on nutrition in sport. This suggests something about the imperatives of good and complete diet which needs to be carefully noted and studied.

The importance and impacts of good nutrition can not be exaggerated nor should it be underestimated. Sportsmen and sportswomen, and indeed active people should take nutrition seriously. Until recently, only body-builders took nutrition as a priority for optimum performance. For healthy living, nutrition is important but for a great performance in sport, it is indispensable. This eventually may determine winning or losing.

The nutrients needed majorly are carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. Different sports have different needs. The requirements of these nutrients stretch between pre-exercise, during-exercise and post-exercise. An athlete's diets should be the same with that which are needed by the generality, but due to intense training, he/she needs an increase in the amount of nutrients needed.

Nutrition is essentially important for energy (before exercise), recovery, repair, and growth (after exercise).


Carbohydrate should be the basis of an athlete's diet. It is important for storing glycogen. Glycogen is very important as a source of energy for the body. If carbohydrate is lacking, there will be a poor performance due to poor glycogen stores in the muscles and liver. Example of carbohydrate-rich food are bread, pasta, cereal, sports drinks. Eating large amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods can sometimes be difficult for an athlete but this can be conquered by eating smaller, more frequent meals thereby spreading food intake over the day and adding more refined carbohydrate sources such as sports drinks, liquid meal, fruit juices, honey and so on to add to the needed carbohydrates.


Protein is also an important part of training diet. It performs an important role in post-exercise recovery and repair of broken-down cells. Protein can be derived from plants and animals. Food like fish, egg, milk, chicken, beans are baked beans are rich in protein. Undue emphasis on consumption of protein-rich food should be avoided to prevent
(I) Kidney failure (ii) weight gain (if the food is high in fat).


Fats and oils are concentrated source of energy. They are good for delaying pangs of hunger because a food mixture containing fat remains longer in stomach. Therefore, this helps an athlete to stay long in training and delays fatigue. Margarine, butter, fried chips, chocolate, crisps, biscuits and pastries are some of the food containing fats and oils. However, an excess fat may lead to a heart attack or stroke.


Vitamins are very important both in sports and healthy living. Though there are several vitamins, almost all are needed for strong bone and teeth, and healthy body. For instance, vitamin A is needed for strong bones, good vision and healthy skin. Vitamin D helps calcium and phosphorus to form, strong bones and teeth. Vitamin B helps to maintain healthy skin and a well-functioning nervous system. Vitamin C is essential for healthy teeth, gums and blood vessels. Vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables.


Minerals are inorganic; they are neither animal nor plant. Most minerals are easy to obtain in quantities required by the body because almost all foods contribute to a varied intake of needed minerals. Calcium is a form of minerals and it is needed for strong bones and teeth, and blood clothing. Other important minerals are sodium, potassium, iodine, magnesium, zinc and copper.


Water makes up about 60% of an adult's body weight. It helps to regulate body temperature especially during and after training. It also helps in many chemical reactions. High fluid intakes are needed to replace fluid loss from sweat and energy expenditure during and after exercise. Some studies have shown that an athlete that drinks water before thirst stays cooler and performs better than one who drinks on thirst. Therefore, the thirst mechanism should not be relied upon as an indication to drink in order to avoid dehydration which may hinder an athlete's performance. It is advised and suggested that an athlete drink 400 - 600ml 2 to 3 hours before exercise, 150 - 250ml every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise and 450 - 600ml for 0.5kg of weight lost after exercise.

Incase of deficiency in any of these nutrients, natural food supplements may be needed. However, it should be taken under medical supervision. While natural food supplements work with the body, drugs work on the body. Moreover, it should be noted that excess or lack of any of these nutrients can be very dangerous and disastrous. It should be noted that the intake of a well balanced diet will make unnecessary the use of food supplements.

Diet should be well planned and balanced to optimise athletic performance, delay fatigue and aid recovery. This will also ensure good and healthy living. A good nutrition keeps one away from doctor. "Prevention is better than cure" goes that popular and famous cliche.

A young man. A student in one of the higher institutions in Nigeria.

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