Monday, January 12, 2009

Not just A blog about Mens Health

Mens HealthHealth Tips During Plane Travel

Mens HealthMen���s Health: Get Fit Now to Prevent Dementia Later

Tue, 27 May 2008 17:33:54 EDT
It has been well documented that abdominal fat is a clear risk factor for cardiovascular disease as well as for diabetes, but no one had previously looked into another aspect of Bayno out, Good in as Loyola coach - International Herald Tribune

Mon, 12 Jan 2009 21:09:29 GMT

Bayno out, Good in as Loyola coach
International Herald Tribune, France - 51 minutes ago
"Due to medical reasons, and on the advice of my doctors, I am resigning from my duties as head mens basketball coach at Loyola Marymount," Bayno said in a ...

Why Most Mens Health Supplements Fail To Keep You Healthy

Tue, 25 Mar 2008 00:18:14 EDT
You're a savvy health conscious guy who believes in the importance of using mens health supplements to support your health, protect you from disease and allow you to be healthy when you're older.

BE ...

Reviews of Mens HealthLongevity, Well Being and Health

Aromatherapy is also beneficial to those who are actively seeking skin remedies and looking for methods for skin repair or rejuvenation. Because the skin is made up of many absorbant pores, aromatherapy is one of the most direct ways to treat skin conditions. Aromatherapy as a treatment for skin conditions includes taking aromatic baths, drinking or soaking in herbal infusions, applying aromatherapy lotions and creams, and the use of herbal toners. By utilizing steam, baths, and vapors, the skin will immediately absorb the properties of your chosen herbs. Rosehips, calendula, orange and other citrus oils, almond and macadamia nut oil, horsetail, shea butter, rosemary, lavender, ylang ylang, and aloe vera are some of the most beneficial herbs for skin rejuvenation.
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Longevity, Well Being and Health

Pines Wheatgrass Powder

Coca leaf YES, cocaine NO

Coca leaves have been used for centuries as a stimulant. Pre-Incan Indians used the leaves to relieve altitude sickness (hypoxia), hunger and fatigue.

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Pines Wheatgrass Powder

Wheatgrass Skin Care

Nutrition Guidelines for Foods Available at San Jose Schools
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Wheatgrass Skin Care


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Aloe Vera Juice Reviews and info

Holistic HealingHow To Use Super-Sizing, Portion Distortion And Dietary Displacement To Your Advantage

Ever since the independent film, Super Size Me was released, research on the relationship between increasing obesity and increasing portion sizes has skyrocketed and the results have been virtually unanimous.

There have been numerous well-designed studies published just in the last several years which confirmed exactly what we suspected (and much of what the movie suggested):

* Portion sizes have increased in restaurants and fast food venues on a major scale over the last several decades

* We self-serve ourselves larger portions in the home than we used to

* When more food is put in front of us, we almost always eat more

* Most people underestimate how many calories they are eating

* All of these factors have contributed to the growing obesity problem and the related health problems that come along with it

The obvious solution would seem to be to decrease portion sizes across the board, and indeed awareness of and control over portion sizes in general is important.

However, research has demonstrated that perhaps an even better solution is to keep the portion sizes generous, but decrease the energy density (calories per unit of volume) in the foods you put on your plate.

Several studies revealed that eating more low calorie density foods, especially green vegetables, salad vegetables and other fibrous carbs, as well as very lean proteins, maintains a feeling of fullness while reducing energy intake.

In other words, large portions of highly nutritious, low calorie foods displaced the less nutritious, calorie-dense foods! Most people allow the bad foods to push out the good foods, but you can actually do the same in reverse!

In a study published in the Journal of The American Dietetic Association, researchers fed one group a compulsory first course salad which was kept low in energy density by using very low calorie dressing with no high calorie toppings no bacon, cheese or croutons, etc).

After the salad, the subjects were allowed to eat as much pasta as they wanted.

A second group was also allowed to eat as much pasta as they wanted but was not given a compulsory salad to eat beforehand.

The results: As you might guess, eating a low energy density first course enhanced satiety (fullness) and reduced the overall amount of calories that were eaten during the whole meal.

Since the research has repeatedly discovered that almost everyone will eat more when served larger portions from a larger plate or container, and there is obviously a serious issue of "portion distortion" occurring, another group of scientists and psychologists decided to test this even further by providing larger plates or containers of low energy density, high nutrient density foods before the main course and or in between meals.

When more of the low energy density foods were made available first, the subjects ate even more of these healthy foods, which filled them up even more and decreased the amount of high calorie density foods eaten in the main course.

Reporting their findings in the Journal of Nutrition Education And Behavior, the researchers said that there is a silver lining to all the negative findings about super sized portions and overeating that we have discovered in recent years:

That is, although we eat more when more is put in front of us, We can use this phenomenon in reverse by serving large plates, bowls or containers of healthy, low energy density foods like fruits, salads and raw vegetables as snacks and first courses.

"While a small bowl of raw carrots might make for a good afternoon snack", said one of the researchers, "a large bowl might even be better."

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified strength coach (CSCS) and author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,? which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and turbo-charge your metabolism by visiting: Visit Tom's fat loss support community at

Aloe Vera JuiceIndependent, The (London) - Fast food: Don't say you haven't tried aloe vera juice

Thu, 29 Jan 1998 08:00:00 GMT
January 29, 1998 -- Popping a few anti-oxidants every morning is not the only way to ensure your future well-being. You clearly haven't been paying attention. Why take...


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improve health Updates

improve healthWeight Loss Doesn't Work

Your brain has this really interesting system that is kind of like a search engine on the internet. It is called your RAS for short. A search engine works by typing what you want to find into it and then it goes out on the internet and finds the most relevant web sites for what you want. Your RAS works the same. You put something into your RAS and your brain will literally go out into the world and search for exactly that.

Your brain has this really interesting system that is kind of like a search engine on the internet. It is called your RAS for short. A search engine works by typing what you want to find into it and then it goes out on the internet and finds the most relevant web sites for what you want. Your RAS works the same. You put something into your RAS and your brain will literally go out into the world and search for exactly that.

So if you want to "lose weight" your RAS will find exactly that, losing weight. How is this a problem you might be asking? How long can you continue to lose weight? Not for ever that is for sure. So your body must gain weight again so it can continue to lose weight.

The first thing you have to do is put into your RAS what you want. What you focus on is what you put into your RAS. So focus on what you are really after now. Like being thin, Being Slim, Being Toned and Muscular, or whatever it is you want to be. You do not want to "be" losing weight. That is a process to bring you to what you want to be, Slim and Sexy. So focus on being Slim and Sexy. Then your RAS and brain will go out there and find exactly that.

Which means you must focus on being thin, toned, slim, sexy and slender. And the only way to be permanently thin is making sure your weight-o-stat is set to the correct setting you want and by being healthy.


Go to to sign up for the free e-course. Do you want to be Sexy, Slim, Slender and Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details go to:

Our thoughts on improve healthWheatgrass Skincare

Andy West is a freelance writer and marketing communications specialist. For more information and reviews of Glycemic Diets that can help lower your Glycemic level, please visit ReviewPlace at
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Wheatgrass Skincare

Texas Health Resources, MedSynergies aim to help doctors save money - Dallas Morning News

Mon, 12 Jan 2009 05:39:20 GMT

Texas Health Resources, MedSynergies aim to help doctors save money
Dallas Morning News, TX - 9 hours ago
"One of the goals of Texas Health MedSynergies is to help physicians improve quality of care by allowing them to spend more time with patients delivering ...

Things to Know About Affiliate Marketing

Sat, 10 Jan 2009 21:29:10 EST
Things to Know About Affiliate Marketing

It is a known fact that almost 90 percent of affiliates earn less than hundred dollars per month. So, you cannot depend on...

Healthy Aging - What kind of a man shall I be tomorrow?

Sun, 11 Jan 2009 10:28:15 EST
Socrates was once asked by a pupil, this question: "What kind of people shall we be when we reach Elysium?"

And the answer was this: "We shall be the same kind of people that we were here."



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Rosehips Reviews and info

Rosehips NewsBreast Health

Change the focus of the holiday gatherings from being food-centered to being activity-centered. Spend an afternoon hiking or cross-country skiing, organize an ice- skating party, check with your local Y to see if the pool can be rented for private parties, patronize restaurants that offer dinner and dancing, or take a walk through your town's historic district and delight in the decorations.
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Breast Health

Liver Conditions

There are many products available to treat dark circles. Despite the promise of such products, you cannot expect chronic dark circles to disappear overnight.

Dark circles may have been forming unseen and unnoticed for months or years. Only when they reach a noticeable stage do you start searching for solutions. Even the best eye creams will take some time to work their magic for you.
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Liver Conditions


The study was performed by the Andrology Service of the SanPaolo Hospital University of Milan, Italy.

One of the major complaints of Peyronie's disease is penile retraction. The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of mechanical penile stretching in evolutive Peyronie's disease. Twenty-two men (age: 18-78 years) suffering from Peyronie's disease at different stages of penile retraction were enrolled and followed-up. The penis stretcher device was used, on average, for 5 hours/day, for 3 months. No adverse side effects occurred. The data collected indicated that the stretched penis elongation increased at the end of the treatment and researchers concluded that penis stretching is effective in Peyronie's disease treatment, especially at the stage of severe penile retraction.
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RosehipsGrocer - Male snackers go nuts

Sat, 10 May 2008 07:00:00 GMT
May 10, 2008 -- Sun Valley is adding a new 50g impulse line to Loyd Grossmon's nut mixes. The indulgent snacks target male snockers. The range includes cashews,...

Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England) - Best of the Bunch Rosa xanthina Canary Bird; Notebook

Sat, 10 May 2008 07:00:00 GMT
May 10, 2008 -- YES, a canary bird has been spotted in Netherton, giving pleasure to all who can see it. Only it is not of the feathered variety. It is covered in...

Time for a change - Aberdeen Press and Journal

Fri, 19 Dec 2008 08:39:12 GMT

Time for a change
Aberdeen Press and Journal, UK - Dec 19, 2008
Left, the pair with Emma Kidd, also of Rose Hip & Tutu AT SOME point in our lives we’ve all dreamt of trying a new career, but more often than not we brush ...

RosehipsHow To Stick With a Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

I'm sure you've heard it before: a healthy weight loss diet plan and exercise should be a permanent habit in your current lifestyle. That sounds great, but studies have shown that it takes 12 weeks for an activity to become a habit in your daily lifestyle.

That leads us to a bigger question: how do you stay motivated to keep on exercising and eating healthy for 12 weeks?

Most times, people just beginning a healthy weight loss diet plan will start off great. Then, after a few weeks, they lose steam and are no longer motivated to keep eating healthy and exercising.

They may have lost a few pounds, so they think it'll be ok to have that one huge meal full of their favorite fatty foods. While eating like that occasionally may not hurt your efforts, most times, one bad meal turns into one bad day, and then one bad day turns into a weekend...and before you know it, you're starting back at square one.

How are you going to stay motivated to maintain your new healthy weight loss diet plan? To start, think about your longterm goals. What do you want to look like? What do you want to wear? What kind of compliments do you want to get? Keep that picture in your head and focus on it when eating clean and exercising becomes hard.

An easy way to derail your healthy weight loss diet plan is to not have a plan in place when unexpected things come up, such as an unplanned dinner at your favorite restaurant, or an impromptu shopping trip with friends. Always have a list of diet-approved food choices available for the restaurants you frequent. This will ensure that you don't order your favorite thing off the menu without thinking about it first.

Another great tip for staying on track is to implement your healthy weight loss diet plan with a friend. Make sure your dieting partner is someone that will help to keep you exercising frequently and eating clean. Keep a food journal that you can share with them to help keep you accountable for your food decisions.

There are a lot of great ways to stay motivated when you choose to lead a healthier lifestyle. Remember, it's not all about how you look, but about being a happier, healthier you!

About the Author

Are you interested in fitness tips and reviews? Visit Real People...Real Fitness for your free fitness tools report.

Damiana Powder


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