Friday, September 26, 2008

Did you hear of Holistic Healing

Increase Libido TopicsBreast Health

My weekly sweet snack is a large pancake and syrup on Saturday mornings. I have it along with 3 strips of turkey bacon and a scrambled egg. Of course, it could be anything sweet that you enjoy. A slice of apple pie a la mode, a candy bar� you name it. But again, eat it only once a week with a specific meal, and in moderation. Have your sweet snack as dessert at the end of a high protein meal that includes high-grade catabolic vegetables such as Broccoli, carrots, spinach, sweet potato, zucchini, or tomatoes. Since your metabolism increases 30% above it's resting level to burn protein� and the catabolic foods burn up their own calories as well as some of the calories from any other food you eat along with it� there's a good chance most of the calories from your moderate junk-food snack will be burned while your body is digesting the protein & catabolic foods that make up the bulk of your meal. Having a junk-food snack only two times per week with a specific meal, will play a major role in busting your belly fat and trimming inches from your waistline.
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Breast Health


Other fun additions to the office building and fitness center services can include personal trainers, a swimming or lap pool, basketball courts, volleyball courts, and exercise classes. By giving employees a lot of options in their fitness, you increase their attendance. Not everyone likes to use weights or machines � and not everyone can use them when you have a larger group of employees. When you add more options to the fitness center, you create enough fitness to go around for everyone.
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Increase Libidoshoppin_meister's Journal

Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:53:57 EDT
... ts bioavailability is greatly improved and absorbency is raised from 29% to 92%, its pharmacological value increasing by three folds....

Women���s Health: Why All the Buzz About Bee Pollen?

Mon, 02 Jun 2008 16:00:54 EDT
Who isn’t interested in staying energetic, sexy and powerful? The attention we have on maintaining our 'youthful energy' and strength is nothing new. The search for and use of special supplement...

Increase LibidoTen Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

If you're trying to lose weight, starting an exercise plan can help accelerate the weight you lose, and the rate you lose it at. Exercising smartly is the first step, so here are a few brief tips to get you started:

1. When you decide its time to start working out, start slowly and realize it will take some time to see results. Don't get discouraged if you don't achieve your fitness goals after the first week... many people make this mistake and end up abandoning their plans because of it. They feel that if they really push their bodies they can lose more weight in a couple of work outs, and your body simply doesn't work that way.

If you try to push your body too much in the first few goes, you are likely to end up with sprained joints, a sore back and even torn ligaments. The rule to be followed here is slow and steady wins the race.

2. Check your weight before you start the new exercise routine and then try to limit yourself to checking only weekly. If you keep checking for changes frequently, you'll be disappointed to not see radical changes immediately. It might be one or two weeks before you notice any change.

One thing you also need to be aware of: If you start exercising and working out as a way to lose weight, you could find yourself initially disappointed. Because when you work out, you start building muscle. And muscle weighs more than fat. So many people will start losing fat while they're building muscle, and not notice any change on the actual weight scale.

So instead of worrying about what the scale says, try taking your measurements before starting your weight loss exercise program, and notice how your cloths fit. Then each week, take your measurements again, and try on the exact same cloths to see how they're now fitting. Usually you'll notice you're losing inches, and your clothes are fitting better - even if the scale says you haven't lost any weight.

3. When you do notice changes, reward yourself. No, not goodies like chocolates or sweets. Reward yourself with a movie, a day off, or fun shopping spree.

Rewards can keep you going. It is a good idea to save on the money that you wanted to spend on ice creams and chocolates and then treat your self to something more substantial.

4. You can, and should, take a day off from exercise every week. Make it part of the exercise routine. Your body needs a day off from heavy activity, exercise and workouts, so be sure to schedule it in as part of your actual routine, to make sure you're taking care of it properly.

5. Exercise out doors as much as possible. There are two advantages of exercising outside: First, it gives your body a chance to get much needed fresh air and sunshine. The sun also gives you a healthy does of Vitamin D. Secondly, Being outside, seeing everything going on around you, being around other people, smelling and hearing the world... all of these assaults to your senses help perk up your mood, keep you happy, and keep you motivated to continue with your exercise and weight loss plans.

6. Try collecting information about exercise and fitness in general, or researching different types of exercises. There are a lot of ways you can work out at home, and extensive research has been done on exercise in general. Plenty of this information is easily available.

Try browsing the net or getting a book or two on how to exercise at home. This information will be useful to you to know how much you need to work out on each specific exercise in order to burn off the desired number of calories. It can also help you get ideas for new types of exercise, so you're not easily getting bored with the same old routines.

7. Try to get somebody to exercise along with you. It should be somebody committed to do this with you, otherwise they could accidently cause your own interest to dwindle.

Getting a committed person to exercise with you helps keep you going. There may be days when you feel just too lazy to crawl out of bed in the mornings. On such days, the knowledge that some body is waiting for you is enough to slide out of bed.

Another advantage is that you can discuss your progress and fears with another person and be a sympathetic listener to the other person as well. This is a fine way of getting motivated your self, and losing weight faster.

8. Listen to your body, and stop when it's had enough. If you push it too far, you could end up hurting yourself.

When you have worked out long enough, your body will start giving you signals. Heed those signals. This is particularly true in the initial stages of getting started with your exercise routine. Take one step at a time. Stop when you are out of breath or when a certain part of your body tells you that it has had enough. Hint: Pain is a message from your body that it needs to stop *now*.

9. Increase the amount of time you exercise gradually - not in sudden steps. Trying to do too much, too soon can cause you to hurt yourself severely. And not being able to meet your own expectations for the amount of time your exercise, the amount of weight you lift during work outs, or the number of miles you can run for instance, will only make you discouraged, and more likely to quit the exercise routine before it's had a chance to be of any benefit.

10. Stick to your exercise and work out routines. For some people this is easier said than done. Most of us have such hectic schedules that it is quite difficult to fit in time for exercise. But your body... everyone's body... NEEDS proper exercise and fitness. So just make up your mind to do it. Then do it.

Select an exercise pattern to suit your life style. All of us have different life styles and professions so there is no sense in trying to follow the book strictly. Try and follow an exercise routine that is suitable for you. Exercise is important but sticking with it for the long haul is what helps you lose - and keep off - the added weight and fat. And by choosing exercises that fit your personal likes, dislikes and life style - you'll be more likely to stick with it and see the real, lasting results you want.

About the author:

© 2004 Kathy Burns-Millyard and The Health and Fitness Information Network - A large and growing health portal featuring quality health and fitness articles, tips, news, advice and resources. Visit and get subscribed to our RSS feed so you'll have the newest articles as they're published!

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Organic Wheatgrass Reviews and information

Organic WheatgrassWhen corporations go local - Creative Loafing Sarasota

Wed, 03 Sep 2008 21:09:29 GMT

When corporations go local
Creative Loafing Sarasota, FL - Sep 3, 2008
It's not a bad choice, considering the mega-chain's commitment to sustainability, support of developing markets and organic foods. ...

Natural HealingTips On Selecting The Best Dr Atkins Diet Book For The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet has become one of the best known diets in America. The man who invented the diet, Robert Atkins, has written a variety of books that can help support you in your dieting endeavors. If you are looking to have more substantial Atkins diet information on hand, there are three detailed and informative books written by Dr. Atkins that are beneficial.

Because the Atkins diet has four stages, having guidance from one stage to the next makes the diet more effective. Known primarily as a low carbohydrate diet, the first phase, induction is the most strict, where you limit your carbs to 20 grams per day. Phase 2, Ongoing Weight Loss, allows you to slowly reintroduce some carbs back into your diet. Phase 3, Pre-Maintenance, has you continuing to add more carbs; and phase 4 is lifetime maintenance, where you can enjoy a wider variety of foods, but still keep the essential Atkins concepts.

The most comprehensive book, and the one that kicked off the popularity of low carb eating, is "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, Revised Edition." This book goes into detail about each phase, and includes research and information supporting Dr. Atkins reasoning for how his diet produces weight loss. This book stresses that hunger is not a necessary part of your diet, and includes a variety of recipes and menus to start the plan with. For a solid reference you can return to again and again, this book will provide you with plenty of material.

If you are looking for a way to jump right into weight loss, "The Atkins Essentials: A Two-Week Program to Jump-start Your Low Carb Lifestyle," makes approaching and starting the product even easier. The book focuses on the first two weeks of the program, and includes a detailed 2 week menu. If you've had problems losing weight in the past, the book also suggests personal modifications for weight loss. If you are looking for something that is easy to jump right into, "The Atkins Essentials" book can get you started.

The Atkins diet is a life-long program, and if you want something that will help you maintain this diet, "Atkins for Life: The Complete Controlled Carb Program for Permanent Weight Loss and Good Health," focuses on following the eating plan throughout life. The first part of this book has many first-person success stories and testimonials for inspiration. The book also includes detailed questionnaires that can help you understand food choices allowed or not allowed on the diet. There are also a large number of recipes and menu plans. If you are familiar with the Atkins diet already, this book can assist you in continuing your eating habits.

While there are many other books available regarding the Atkins diet and low carb eating, Dr. Atkins himself has written a variety of books that included detailed information for starting and maintaining this diet. If you are interested in trying the Atkins diet, or need more motivation, recipes, or menu planning, you may want to consider one of Dr. Atkins's books.

Amy Wells writes about consumer nutrition. Considering weight
for effective Atkins diet tips.

Reviews of Organic WheatgrassL'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

2. You blood pH level must be maintained at 7.36. The blood is the basic source of everything, carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. If this number was to fluctuate by only 1 or 2 points, you would be dead because it would literally change your chemistry. Think of it like a stove, if you unplug it from the power source there is no power and it won�t function. Similarly, it would be as if someone �unplugged� all your organs, cells, everything!
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L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

Herbal Tinctures

How should you refuel your body after exercise? We seem to be surrounded by commercial recovery foods and fluids. These recovery foods and fluids offer a combination of carbs and protein, but are they the best for exercise recovery nutrition?
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