Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Holistic Remedy article

Flaxseed Oil CapsulesVegetarian Journal - Flaxseed oil improves blood omega-3 fatty acid concentrations

Mon, 01 May 2006 07:00:00 GMT
May 1, 2006 -- Flaxseed oil is known to be a source of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that can be converted to another omega-3 fatty acid called...

List - beauty routines that I need to get into

Tue, 13 Jan 2009 06:54:17 EDT
... flaxseed oil (straight oil not capsules) = skin and hair hydration - conditioning treatments for hair =...


Sat, 27 Dec 2008 10:02:06 GMT

Telegraph-Journal, Canada - Dec 27, 2008
In addition to walnuts and flaxseed, capsules of algae oil (also called algal oil, sometimes just called DHA on the label) are a good vegetarian source of ...

Nutraceuticals World - LinumLife™ Extra

Mon, 01 Mar 2004 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2004 -- Acatris has launched LinumLife Extra, a standardized flax lignan extract with a 20% lignan concentration. LinumLife EXTRA is produced from flax hulls...


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General Health Info

Astragalus RootWorld Series of Poker dominated by Root Beer energy drink - Examiner.com

Wed, 24 Dec 2008 15:45:23 GMT

World Series of Poker dominated by Root Beer energy drink
Examiner.com - Dec 24, 2008
There are ingredients to help your mental facilities ( ginseng, astragalus, and schisandra), and all the Vitamin B and C you need in the day. ...

Splash Your Acne Supplement Expenses with Food

Fri, 01 Apr 2005 00:00:00 EST
Twenty-one year old Lydia Garcia faces an imminent dilemma- poverty or acne. Lydia religiously uses three herbs to keep her skin clear and she�s always on the prowl for supplements to augment her heal...

Ten Steps to a Top Notch Immune System - Natural News.com

Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:48:18 GMT

Natural News.com

Ten Steps to a Top Notch Immune System
Natural News.com, AZ - Dec 18, 2008
The list includes medicinal mushrooms, garlic, eleuthero, maca and licorice root. Two of the best are astragalus and schisandra. ...

Natural Healing Herbs For Infertility

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:46:22 EDT
Next generation is signaled when a new life comes. Its every couples dream that they have someone who they can see grow up they same way they themselves grew up. It happens some times that couples how...

General HealthProven and Effective Diets That Can Cure Candida Infection

Do you have candida?

Not many people know what candida exactly is and what they look like.

Candida or yeast infection is an infection caused by the overgrowth of a microorganism called Candida albicans. This particular fungus is normally found in the stomach as it aids in the digestive process. However, it can cause harmful side effects if it is found on other parts of the body such as the mouth, skin folds, the vagina and or the penis.

Diet is important in the treatment of the disease. The following diets can be of great help to completely get rid of the candida infection:

* A diabetic diet is advised as it contains less sugar. All the foods that are rich in sugar must be taken in small amount. Food such as cookies, cake, candies, sodas, and ice creams should be taken with precautions. Sweetened food that are made from artificial sugar called saccharine or aspartame or stevia extract need to be taken with moderation. Sugar intake can further worsen the infection as it can cause overgrowing of Candida albicans. Three days of sugar restriction may enhance the possibility of curing the disease.

* White starch food such as white pasta, bread, cakes and white rice must also be prohibited. You should take whole grains in moderation. If you are on a carbohydrate diet, you need to lessen the intake of the following foods to lessen the possibilities of growing more Candida albicans. Dairy products are harmless unless you are allergic to them.

* The increase of intake of essential oils can be a great help. Oils such as omega-3 oils, fish oils such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardine, and other oils such as flaxseed oils, borage, and primrose oils can be a good diet. You should at least take one tablespoon of these oils per day. Some oils that are found in some food such as salads, canola oil and olive oils can be useful as well. You should include avocado oils and nut oils as they are helpful in treating the disease as well.

* Do not just take any antibiotic without any prescription from a doctor. Antibiotics and cortisone-type prescriptions should not be taken as possible, as some of these drugs are harmful and can increase the growth of these microorganisms.

* Regular intake of yogurt about two to three servings a day can also help in curing the infection. Yogurt contains a special ingredient called acidophilus that is a powerful and proven ingredient for treating the infection.

These are the diets that a yeast infected patient should take. However, before taking these diets it is advisable that you should consult your physician first for a more thorough medical diagnosis and assistance.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

About the Author

Charlene J. Nuble 2006.

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about candida, please go to: http://www.candidaanswers.com/


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Did you hear of Natural Healing

Natural HealingPros and Cons of Individual Health Insurance

Getting individual health insurance plans is a common choice among the unemployed or self-employed looking for insurance. In order to get this kind of plan, you have to undergo a physical exam to be conducted at the behest of the insurance provider. This will enable the insurance provider to learn more about you and your medical history. You will also be interviewed by a representative of the insurance company to see if you are financially capable of maintaining your account. The results of these tests and interview will determine your eligibility for these plans. Here are some of the pros and cons of getting an individual health insurance.


The good thing about getting an individual health insurance is that you get to choose which benefits you want to be included in your package. These include consultation fees, childbirth and well-baby, accidents, and critical illnesses, among others. You can get to choose the benefits that you will mostly likely use and need in the future.

If you are short on cash and cannot afford to pay high monthly dues, other insurance providers may help you by offering co-payments or the insurance provider will share your medical expenses.


The problem with indemnities is that they may be hard to get. Depending on your physical conditions, an insurance company has the right to deny your application. If you are a high risk client, predisposed to getting diseases like cancer or diabetes, or have a hazardous occupation, your chances of getting insurance may decrease. But if even you do get accepted, the insurance company may charge you high monthly fees or premiums in order to keep your account active.

The bottom line here is that the insurance only helps you in getting medical attention and paying for it a lower price. It is still up to you to keep yourself healthy.

Individual Health Insurance provides detailed information on Individual Health Insurance, Individual Dental Insurance, Affordable Individual Health Insurance, Individual Health Insurance Plans and more. Individual Health Insurance is affiliated with Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quotes.

Slimming Products ReviewsEarache

Natural weight loss takes into consideration everything you do during the day and can incorporate it into a healthier lifestyle. Dieting is a short-term solution to weight loss.
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Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

Now let me point out something to you right now. You might believe me or maybe not, but here is the fact: I have been looking and researching into a category of nutritional supplement called �glyconutrition� ever since I heard about it two years ago. Personally I feel, and for me there is no doubt, that glyconutrition will somehow help, and it does not matter what kind of health problem you are talking about � and bring about miraculous results to even very sick people, and transform their health into radiant and full energetic health condition.

Today, given the state of health care problems, and modern day life, everyone should be aware that any supplement � especially like this glyconutrition � significantly will increase your chance of staying fit and healthy for the rest of your lives.
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Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

Organic Hemp Seed Oil (Yaoh) - 250ml
Health & Beauty
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