Monday, March 10, 2008

Himilayan Goji Berry for health

HealthHealthy Selfishness - Self Care Lets You Live Your Best Life

"Don't Be Selfish" Doesn't Work

When was the last time taking care of yourself or doing something just for fun made it to the top of
your to do list? If your answer is a "long time ago" or "can't remember" or even "never," you're not alone.

From the time we were children, many of us were taught "Don't be selfish" and "Think of others." We may have learned these lessons a little too well. Most of us spend all the hours of our day taking care of others, completing the to-do list, fulfilling obligations, and doing what we "should" do. Taking care of ourselves is last on the list if it's on the list at all.

The truth is this doesn't work! If you ignore your own needs long enough you're likely to become drained, dissatisfied, exhausted, and maybe even resentful. When you're not refilling your own personal tank, it becomes increasingly difficult to give to others. Without recharging you won't have the energy to be your best self at home or in the world.

Many of my clients come to me with empty tanks. While they may be searching for what is next in their lives or how to make a difference in the world, they often need to start with self-care. Only after refueling and recharging themselves are they fully ready to create their vision for a deeply satisfying future.

Remember how on an airplane you're told to put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then help others? In the event of an emergency on the plane, you must be both present and alive to assist and truly be of service to others. You must take care of yourself first. The same is true in all aspects of our lives.

If you want to be a happier person, a better spouse, a great parent . . . if you want to be a good employee, manager or friend . . . if you want to do what you're called to do, what your purpose in life is . . . whatever it is you want to do with your life, begin with yourself. When you make choices that nourish you and fill you up, you'll naturally be more generous with your time, energy, and resources. And you'll be more able to create a life you love. This is sacred selfishness.

Make the Most of Your Self Care Time

If this idea makes sense to you your next question might be "What do I do to take care of myself?" There are a lot of "shoulds" in the area of self-care: exercise, eat healthy, meditate. The list can be long. All of these would be good for us, so the question often is "Where do I start?"

I recommend a different approach to self-care. To get the most impact and the best refueling from your self-care time, do something that "lights you up:" choose an activity that energizes, delights, soothes, or nurtures you. My clients' "lights on" activities have included getting a massage, singing karaoke, reading trash magazines, having dinner with friends, practicing yoga, taking a ten minute walk in nature, and planning a vacation to a favorite place. The list is endless and different for each person.

What is it for you? Take a moment to visualize some things you love to do. Perhaps those things you never make time to enjoy. Get these ideas out of your head and onto paper. Better yet, add some of these to the top -- yes, the top! -- of your to-do list. And then do some of them! Notice how your energy increases when you take a little bit of time to do something just for yourself, something that lights you up.

So go ahead- be selfish now and then. Put yourself at the top of your to do list. Sacred selfishness just may be the best thing you can do for yourself, the people around you, and the world.

(c) Bonnie McFarland, La Bella Via, 2006. You are welcome to 'reprint' this article as long as it remains complete and unaltered, including the "about the author" information at the end.

Bonnie McFarland helps professional women at midlife who are feeling stuck and dissatisfied with work and are wanting more pleasure, passion, and purpose in work and life. Her "Light Matters" ezine with tips and tools for getting more of what you truly want as well as "What Lights You Up? Your Guide to Pleasure, Passion, and Purpose in Life" are both free. It's quick and easy to get these resources; just go to and sign up.

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Manual Juicer Updates

Manual JuicerChoosing The Right Health Plan For You And Your Family

Health insurance can be confusing. As a service to our customers we put together this brief guide to help them decide what their needs really are. These are the types of questions that everyone should ask themselves when considering the purchase of a health insurance plan. By taking a moment to seriously evaluate your needs, you may be surprised at how much money you can save when shopping for a health plan. There is no point in paying for coverage you will never use!

The following is a brief list of some guidelines and recommendations for choosing a health care plan. Please browse through this article as it offers some important things to consider when choosing the right health care plan for you, your family, or your business.

1. What is your budget for a health care plan? How much do you think you can afford to spend each month to maintain your health care plan?

2: Type of plan you need: Ask yourself some hard questions: Do you need a major medical plan, a high deductible plan, a health discount plan, prescriptions, maternity coverage, routine care, vision, or dental?

3. How often do you go to the doctor? Various medical plans will cover routine doctors office visits with unlimited use but they are much more expensive than those that have some limits to doctor?s office visits. If you never go to the doctor, a plan that includes this type of unlimited benefit would be a waste of your money. Some health insurance policies will cover routine "Wellness Visits" at little or no cost to the policyholder.

4. Do you take any medications? Many health insurance plans include prescription drug coverage. But, if you don't take any medications, having a health insurance policy that covers prescriptions may be a waste of your money. If you do take medications, make sure that the plan you purchase has enough benefits to it to make it worth the added cost to have prescriptions included in the plan.

5. Do you travel much? If you travel a lot you may want to look for a plan that doesn't require you to stay within a network. The insurance benefit that a company pays out is always better if you can stay within that company?s network. Some companies use nationwide networks while others may use more localized networks. Temporary health insurance for travel is something you can purchase when you need it.

6. Are you self-employed? Self-employed people will likely have different needs than people who work for a large company. It is important to make sure your insurance policy will cover you while you are working. Not all of them will!

7. Do you plan on having children? Maternity coverage is very expensive to add to a policy. Nearly all health insurance companies require you to have a policy in force with them for at least nine months prior to becoming pregnant. If you become pregnant before the end of the waiting period, the insurance company will not cover the pregnancy or the delivery.

8. Are there any medical conditions that are considered "pre-existing"? Most health insurance will have some very strict guidelines for covering pre-existing medical conditions. However, many of the discount programs and the guaranteed acceptance discount programs have no waiting periods or pre-existing condition exclusions. These may be a good option for you. This depends largely on what the condition is and how urgent the need for care is.

9. Do you need dental and vision coverage? A dental or vision insurance plan can sometimes be like throwing your money away. Several of the discount plans offer exceptional savings at rates that are much lower than the traditional insurance plans. If you need major dental work right away, the dental insurance policies may not be your best choice, as they will have waiting periods for up to 1 year before major dental work will be covered. If this is the case for you, the dental discount plans are your best choice, as they have no waiting periods or limits. Your yearly dental benefit may also be capped at a certain amount. This means that if you need more dental work than is covered, you will be paying the amount that exceeds this ?cap? directly out of your pocket, at 100%.

10. Who will the benefits cover? Adding people to an insurance policy can cause the rates to go up. The more people on the insurance plan, the higher the risk of financial loss to the insurance company, therefore the rate must be higher.

Keeping money in your pocket is much easier than making it if you are armed with the proper knowledge about what you are shopping for.

Manual JuicerRestaurants & Institutions - Juicer requires minimal effort.(Brief Article)(Product Announcement)

Sun, 02 Jul 2000 07:00:00 GMT
July 2, 2000 -- The 96600 Automatic Electric Juicer combines the extraction pressure of a manual juicer with the convenience of an electric model. The unit yields...

Swap Shop (The Lakeland Ledger)

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:07:33 GMT
I am looking for the old-fashion scrapbooks with pages made out of contruction-like paper. All the stores carried them until recently, but I can't find them now. They all have the new ones with plastic pages like photo albums. Does anyone know of a store in the Lakeland area that carries the old style'

Note to GM: what took you so long?; GM's Saturn Astra what other ... - Welland Tribune

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:49:24 GMT

Note to GM: what took you so long?; GM's Saturn Astra what other ...
Welland Tribune, Canada - Feb 14, 2008
The independent front suspension and semi-independent rear suspension let the Astra carve corners like a Sharpcut (Sorry, the "World's Smallest Juicer" ...

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Ethylene Egg Information

US: History of Citrus Plants Starts With Citron - FreshPlaza

Mon, 03 Mar 2008 16:07:08 GMT

US: History of Citrus Plants Starts With Citron
FreshPlaza, Netherlands - Mar 3, 2008
Citrus fruits commercially processed may be treated with ethylene, or by other means, to "improve" their color to our "trained" expectations. ...

Why won't chefs use artificial colors?

Tue, 19 Feb 2008 23:56:00 GMT
Slate - ... They turn orange on the tree only when they're exposed to cold weather or bathed in ethylene ... of Spain's El Bulli employs xanthan gum to give puréed mango the texture of an egg yolk

Food has many uses other than nutrition

Wed, 05 Mar 2008 13:26:26 EDT
"APPLES"An apple's ethylene gas will also help pears and avocados to ripen and bromeliad plants to bloom if they're placed together in a loosely-closed paper bag. ... ""The next time that you spill oil in the kitchen, or drop an egg on the floor, pour a pile of salt on it....

US: History of Citrus Plants Starts With Citron - FreshPlaza

Mon, 03 Mar 2008 16:07:08 GMT

US: History of Citrus Plants Starts With Citron
FreshPlaza, Netherlands - Mar 3, 2008
Citrus fruits commercially processed may be treated with ethylene, or by other means, to "improve" their color to our "trained" expectations. ...


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Reviews of Alfalfa
Natural Toothbrushes

If you have the time it takes to prepare your dog's food, or feel very strongly about providing your dog with the best diet possible, a diet of homemade food can't be beat.
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Damiana Powder

Fat Loss Eating Plans � What Should You Look For?

The way your metabolisms works is largely based on how you eat. It only follows then that if you change the way you eat, you can change your metabolism. Fat loss eating plans are not a new concept. There have been hundreds or thousands of diet plans that tell you exactly what to eat, but if you�ve ever tried a no carb diet, or a no fat diet, or if you�ve ever been desperate enough to try the grapefruit diet, then you know they are not a long term solution for most people. It seems that everyone has a different opinion on how to lose weight, but there are a few things that almost all experts agree on. When you are on a fat loss eating plan, you must do several things. You must eat four to eight meals a day. You must drink lost of water, and you must start now.
Visit this website for more News on...
Damiana Powder

Holistic Remedy
Keep Gout At Bay With A Low Uric Acid Diet

Does a low uric acid diet bring relief from gout symptoms? This question is, like most health questions, answered with both a yes and a no.

However, it is worth noting that it is not a low uric acid diet that will make a difference, but a diet low in purine that can reduce Gout symptoms.

Gout can usually be identified by the sudden onset of swollen, red, painful joints, usually in the foot. This excruciating pain and swelling is due to hyperuricemia; a state developed when there is a high level of uric acid in the blood.

Uric acid is the by-product the body produces when metabolizing purine - a compound that is found in a lot of protein based foods. It is dissolved in the blood stream and excreted via the kidneys in our urine.

Our bodies are designed to produce and process uric acid, the problems arise when there is either over-production in the body, or the body is unable to eliminate uric acid at an appropriate rate.

Eliminating insufficient amounts of uric acid can often be linked to a person?s genetic makeup and over production is normally linked to eating too many purine-rich foods in the diet.

Uric acid floats around in the blood and when levels rise too far, crystals are deposited in the joints and soft tissues that connect joints. These sharp, jagged crystals are the cause of the pain and swelling.

It can take years for uric acid levels to build up and a lot of people never experience a gout attack. However, when the tipping point is reached and the uric acid levels are too high to be carried by the blood, deposits are made and the uric acid crystallizes in your joints. This is why the initial attack usually comes on extremely suddenly.

Once the initial gout attack is over, further episodes are normally experienced, as the uric acid level remain high.

Having high levels of uric acid can lead to other complications such as the development of kidney stones. Left untreated, kidney stones can cause a lot of damage to the kidneys, impairing their functions. Kidney stones can lead to severe cramping and pain, and sometimes vomiting.

If you think you have kidney stones, it is important to make an appointment with a doctor and get yourself checked out.

To stop further gout attacks and avoid the possibility of developing kidney stones, you need to reduce the amount of uric acid in your blood. To do this you either need to slow down production or increase expulsion.

Following a low purine diet is a great way to slow down production and helps to normalize uric acid levels in the body.

The key to a low uric acid / low purine diet is to avoid foods high in purine, such as red meat, organ meats, processed meats, yeast extracts, shellfish and gravies. Instead, swap these foods for low-purine foods such as: cereals, fruits, rice, tomatoes, corn and some types of green vegetables.

It can take a little time for your uric acid levels to drop, however, once they have been stabilized at a position where your kidneys can keep up with processing, you can start to reintroduce some higher purine foods, but only in moderation.

More information about low purine diets and naturally treating gout can be found in our free newsletter.

While following a low purine diet it is important to keep your body as hydrated as possible. Drinking lots of water helps to dilute uric acid and flush it through the kidneys.

So, a low uric acid diet can make the difference to someone with gout symptoms, and reduce the chance of future flare-ups.

About the Author:

By Lisa McDowell. Sign up for a free newsletter & discover how a low uric acid diet can be an effective natural cure for gout.

Bone Health
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