Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another blog about Bee Pollen

Bee PollenLow Carb Diet - Part 1

It is quite a contradiction, when we learn the fact that our ancestors once had to hunt and wander around marathon days for food, that consisted mainly of meat, fruits, grains and perhaps nuts. And then for a treat of sweet, the dessert solely consisted of honey collected from the beehives.

Adversely, in today?s contemporary world, despite the advancement in technology and research, the society is under threat of nutritional crisis and in need of proper remedies. What could possibly be concluded about the fact that more than half of the US population are under the risk of obesity? The outbreak of diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and hypertension that are directly linked with obesity has risen significantly in recent times.

According to Diabetes UK, the number of young children with diabetes Type 1 has substantially increased in the United Kingdom. Each year, the number of children diagnosed with the Type 1 is increasing by a 2.3 percent. These syndromes had been quite unfamiliar to the paediatricians but they are noticed a lot among the juvenile population lately.
As life has become more complicated, people are more concerned about their general health and fitness. The need of an apposite diet in a person?s everyday life has become more essential. This concept has given rise to many diets, such as ones known as the low carb diet. It is nothing but just the opposite of a low fat diet.

The sole purpose of curb diet is weight loss. It also generates ethical factors, like the feeling of well being in a person. This kind of nutritional regime limits the intake of sugar and carbohydrates from the diet. Human body requires energy to function and the carbohydrate in one?s diet plays a vital role here, being the source of most of the energy for metabolism. Since, low carb diet restricts the intake of carbohydrate, the body would take in mostly fat to convert to glycogen. As a result the body burns more fat, that are stored in the body, thus bringing about a rapid and significant weight loss.

Usually, low curb diet consists of food that are rich in protein and fat. Food items like meat, cheese, fish and eggs are emphasized in the diet plan. While the restricted food includes white rice, potatoes, bread, pasta and cereals. Only an insignificant amount, about 15 to 40 grams per day is allowed. However, there are no restrictions on the amount of calories or the measure of food taken in this diet. So, the person undergoing this plan would not usually experience hunger between meals, unlike any other diet.

A very typical low carb breakfast menu could consist of eggs, vegetable Frittata (made from a combination of various vegetable leftovers and eggs), low carb cereals such as Flax-O Meal, bakeries made from low carb ingredients (muffins, cakes, bread or pancakes) and dairy products such as yoghurt, cottage cheese, Ricotta or Tofu.

The lunch menu could consist of generous amounts of salads, rolls and wraps (stuffed with vegetables, meat or fish) and soups.

A low carb dinner could vary from a wide range of dishes. This may include chicken potpie as an alternative of pasta, grilled meat or broiled fish as substitutes for rice and potatoes, soups and salads. You may even experiment with continental dishes such as Thai or Greek, since they are mostly low on carbohydrate.

Wouter Van Dyck wrote many articles about different weight loss plans. He has experienced dozens of programs himself over the years but finally found a solution.

You can read more about losing weight and more about low carb diet on the kimkins review website:


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