Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hemp Information

Health and WellbeingDieters : When you feel like Quitting

As the saying goes "Quitters never win and winners never quit!" but sometimes it's hard to keep going when you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and you know there's a long road ahead.

If you're wavering in your latest weight loss goal, ask yourself these questions before you throw in the towel. If you are able to step back and understand what is going on, it will help you to adapt your approach a little, and then get back on track with renewed enthusiasm.

So ask yourself:-

* Why do I want to lose weight? What will achieving my aims give me?

* How will I feel if I quit?

* Am I always quitting before I reach my goal? Why?

* How will I feel if I succeed?

* What is making this so hard?

* What have I been doing (or not doing) to make this more difficult or less successful?

* What's working ok?

* What do I need to change?

* What do I need to learn?

* What strategies could I use to get back on track?

* How can I adapt this to make it work for me?

* How could I get more support?

* What will help me keep going?

* What will I achieve by quitting?

* What would I do then?

The fact is you can achieve anything you want if you keep going. So if you want to lose weight, just don't quit - adapt whatever you're doing, try a new plan, just don't quit and you'll get there. You can do this! You really can!

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

About the Author

Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan". Her system promotes permanent healthy and automatic weight loss through making small changes to your everyday habits. Get her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at http://www.SimplySlimming.com TODAY!

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Health Food Reviews and info

Holistic HealingThe Hope Diet: How to Nourish Your Belief In Your Ability to Lose Weight

Helen Keller's life is a testament to the power of hope. When she was about two years old she contracted a disease that robbed her of both her sight and hearing. When you consider that she could neither see nor hear, it seems impossible to believe that she would grow up to be one of the most revered personalities of the 20th Century, working tirelessly on behalf of world peace, women's suffrage and civil rights.

What makes Helen Keller's story even more remarkable is the fact that she was born in 1880, which meant she lived during a time when being a woman was considered a disability and being physically disabled was perceived as being less than human. So how was Keller able to accomplish so much with such formidable obstacles? She believed in the power of hope and confidence.

Unfortunately, when it comes to our outlook on losing weight too many of us seem to be on a starvation diet of doubt and lack of confidence. To remedy this, we are going look at some practices that will nourish the belief in our ability to lose weight and live healthier lives.

Binge on Books

Books that make you feel optimistic and help you look forward to the positive possibilities that lie ahead can be wellsprings of hope. Read from such books every day - even for only five or ten minutes. You can turn to spiritual texts, books of poetry and quotations, novels or pages you have written in your personal journal. Copy particularly "hope filled" passages in a scrapbook so they
will be readily accessible on occasions when you need a quick fix.

Think "As If"

Pause at least five minutes each day and think healthy thoughts. Think about your life as if you have already achieved your weight loss and healthy living goals. Think about not only how you will look but about how you will feel. Look beyond the weight loss goals toward what will happen next and what else you hope to do and where else you expect to go with your life.

Weigh the Benefits

Simply getting on the scale every day is not an effective way to "keep hope alive." On the other hand, a daily practice of weighing our bodies along with the benefits of losing weight and living healthier can help bolster our hope and confidence. When making a list of weight and wellness benefits, focus on things
that matter to you, and be very specific about what you will derive from succeeding in this area of your life. Once you complete your list, make copies so you can post it in your home and carry a copy with you wherever you go.

About the Author

Jacqueline D. Stanley: Author, Speaker, Chief Encouragement Officer at Lettuce Is Not Enough University: The Place to Learn How to Live Well and Lose Weight. www.lettuceisnotenough.com

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Recent information on Himilayan Goji Berries

Himilayan Goji Berries NewsWheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99

Flax Seed Has Heart

Flax seed is a great source of fiber. In fact, one serving has over 11 grams of fiber in it. And as we all know fiber is essential to a healthy heart. Heck, we learned that in kindergarten. However, why is fiber essential to a healthy heart? Now that�s something we don�t all know.

There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with liquid. Insoluble fiber does not form a gel at all and passes through our digestive tract largely intact. Both types of fiber are important to our diet and provide benefits to the digestive system by helping to maintain regularity. However, soluble fiber offers some additional benefits to our heart. Where does flax seed fit into this? Well, flax seed is packed with soluble fiber.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99


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Recent information on Aphrodisiacs

AphrodisiacsBrits help French get up to funny business (News Interactive)

Sun, 13 Apr 2008 14:00:00 GMT
HOPING to put a bit of oomph back into their love lives, the French are turning national stereotypes on their head by seeking help from, of all people, the English.


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