Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hemp Updates

Natural RemedyMake the Link between Diabetes and Heart Disease

(ARA) - Diabetes is a complex disease that can be difficult to understand and an even greater challenge to manage. The most life-threatening complications of diabetes are heart disease and stroke, which strike two out of three people with diabetes. Alarmingly, most people who have diabetes are unaware of their increased risk for heart disease and stroke. The good news is that people with diabetes can help reduce these risks by understanding and properly managing their disease.

First, managing the ABCs of diabetes -- A1C (a blood test which provides a big picture of your average blood sugar), Blood pressure and Cholesterol -- will help reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke and other health problems. Beyond managing the ABCs, successful diabetes care also means understanding the disease itself and how it affects your body. Link for Life is an interactive, online tool filled with practical tips and valuable information about diabetes.

Type Two Lou, an animated character who hosts the program, takes visitors into a virtual classroom, Diabetes 101. Link for Life consists of four distinct courses:

1. What is diabetes?

2. Diabetes and related health problems

3. The ABCs of diabetes

4. Medications

Through colorful animation, Link for Life describes how diabetes affects your body and describes the key components of diabetes care. Special features include tips on meal planning, managing medicines, diabetes self-care, and getting the most from visits with your health care providers. Most importantly, the program shows that by increasing knowledge and taking charge of diabetes, people with diabetes can reduce their risk for heart disease, stroke and other long-term health problems. To log onto Link for Life, visit www.diabetes.org/makethelink and click on the Link for Life icon in the center of the screen. To learn more about the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease, call (800) DIABETES (342-2383)

Courtesy of ARA Content

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Courtesy of ARA Content

Hemp ReviewsFlaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Medical treatments such as chemo therapy and thyroid conditions.

Harsh chemicals such as commercial shampoos, perms, hair color, and bleach
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Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Joint and Muscle Health

Similarly, obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer, and overweight women have higher levels of estrogen than thinner women. That's because fat cells produce estrogen from the hormone androgen in the body. The higher the percentage of body fat, the greater the production of estrogen.

Some scientists say the relationship between dietary fat and breast cancer risk is so strong, if women reduced their fat intake by 50%, the risk of breast cancer could be lowered by about 250%. Tips on how you can greatly reduce your intake of bad fats and still eat foods you enjoy can be seen in my other article.

Related book :Ms Yvonne Lee Best Selling Breast Care Book! It describes and details breast care techniques from every corner of the world. The book is endorses by more then 80 well known doctor and surgeon from 28 countries.
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Joint and Muscle Health


Fat Has Long Been Known As One Of The Evil Elements In Breast Cancer

Research has shown that too much fat in the fodder cup increases the tumor risk. In addition, international comparative studies stated, where greater amounts of fat were consumed, breast cancer cases rose.

The quality of the results of these comparative studies does not leave much to the imagination. They are based on agricultural production numbers and state nothing about the fat consumption of individual persons.
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HempBen Banky campaigned for new Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson - Financial Post

Sun, 14 Dec 2008 03:57:56 GMT

Ben Banky campaigned for new Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson
Financial Post, Canada - Dec 13, 2008
At the time it was called TallGrass Hemp Company and supplied hemp-based products, including a line of hair- and skin-care products. ...

Glamorgan close on new recruits (BBC News)

Mon, 15 Dec 2008 12:35:11 GMT
Matthew Maynard says Glamorgan hope to finalise deals for a new fast bowler and opening batsman this week.

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