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News on Raw SuperfoodsPsyllium Husk & Powder
Asthmatics should always eat less than their full capacity as it bears down upon the chest, resulting in a feeling of over-fullness and discomfort. Besides, they should pay careful attention to eating slowly, chewing their food well. They should also drink anywhere between six to ten glasses of water daily, but avoid liquids during meals.
Vitamins and Minerals for Asthma
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Psyllium Husk & Powder
Wellness Cuisine cooking classes scheduled - Honolulu AdvertiserSat, 29 Mar 2008 01:43:06 GMT
Wellness Cuisine cooking classes scheduledHonolulu Advertiser, HI - Mar 28, 2008SUPER FOODS, SUPER BODIES! (Wednesday, April 9, 6:30 pm) is not about another new diet fad or sacrificing food you love; it's about redefining it! ... |
Add more rawfood to your diet, lose weight and feel fantastic.Wed, 22 Aug 2007 15:55:58 EDT
Some of you maybe familiar with raw food already and some of you maybe totally new to it. Did you know, that you can have great results with rawfood to lose weight?
Why rawfood?
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Raw SuperfoodsFriends, Your Diet does affect Your Mental Health.
Depression and its symptoms are mostly in the mind. However, what we should know is the mind is affected by several factors including diet. Thus it will be safe to say one crucial step in depression treatment and control will be-amongst other factors-monitoring one's diet: for physical and mental health.
Now friends, I had mentioned and offered praise to Yoga for being an excellent therapeutic choice for depression treatment. Nonetheless, to augment that fact, being a very important limb of Yoga into itself- what you eat also has an effect on your mental health.
That considered a crucial step will be to make some dietetic changes for depression treatment amongst other factors.
Admittedly, when in depression, most of us have the tendency to binge in an effort to mask our feelings or deaden the pain, some of us go as far as soliciting the use of alcohol, drugs or even sex for depression help.
Although they may give some relief for a while, when these mere distractions wear off, the symptoms of depression always do come back, and with a vengeance.
Friends, an observance of nature will show us that when animals are frightened or angered, they refrain from eating until after the passage of considerable time. It is true that under stressful circumstances many civilized people refrain from eating and find in truth that they lack the desire for food, but it is also too often that most will eat large meals under these circumstances, which will be mostly disease forming foods to start with, that as a consequence, complicates or altogether halts an already retarded ongoing digestion.
This endless cycle leads to even more toxins and poisons in an already encumbered body.
Taking this into consideration, it will be sensible to take a break from eating when dealing with depression (as in a fast) at least till your emotional balance returns, which will be the end result as the body is not taxed with the duties of digestion, assimilation and re-building.
One's mind clears and all moroseness disappears and consequently, we tend to find the answers to the problems warranting a treatment for depression in the first place.
These steps, be they a fast or a healthier diet, will ensure that the body is cleaner and well we all should know by now that a cleaner body equates to a cleaner mind.
So in my opinion, instead of introducing chemical substances into your body in a quest for seeking depression treatment, from the facts above, it will be wise to first make a dietetic change, which again may include a short fast, at least to clear our minds first to tackle our problems, then eat the proper foods for nourishment and of course partake in some physical exercise (my choice being some Yoga) to obtain the inevitable feel-good results.
One last thing on the subject of diet and depression treatment, I choose to remind you of this quote: "Let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your foods" (By Hippocrates the 'Father or Medicine")
May happiness be yours.
In Friendship,
Foras Aje
About the Author
Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC.
He invites you to visit his blog for more tips on Depression Treatment and Self-Help Today.
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Herbal Remedies for health
Herbal RemediesChristian Diet Programs
In recent years, the United States has seen obesity rise to epidemic levels. In a 1998 nationwide survey, 64 percent of Americans registered as overweight or obese. As a result, several health awareness campaigns emerged to address this medical issue. The late 1990's saw the revival of an interest in diet and fitness programs.
Gym instructors, dieticians, medical doctors and alternative lifestyle gurus formulated their own brands of body and mind fitness modules based on their unique principles. Books and instructional videos flooded the market. As different as they may be in methods and approaches they all boil down to one thing ? the need for lifestyle change.
A person's attitude towards food and health greatly determines the success of any weight loss program. Most effective programs give focus to the fat burning process and the belief and motivation of the person for long-term health improvement. Most of these approaches also incorporate spirituality.
Christian churches in the United States are looking at obesity from their perspective and are finding solutions to help members of their congregations deal with it. Core to their beliefs is that a man is changed through spiritual healing and adherence to biblical standards, and these Christian diet programs are steeped with Christian teachings and philosophies.
There are several diet programs formulated and endorsed by some Christian churches. Many incorporate scientific methods with Christian values and living principles. Others are purely religious in nature and recommend high-fibre, a low fat diet, daily exercise and trust in God as the framework. Still others offer extreme but interesting choices like diets consisting of the food eaten by the apostles and prophets. The underlying message of a Christian diet is strict adherence to discipline, sacrifice and clean living as cure for obesity.
As it is with lifestyle change initiatives, family or community support is an important success factor. Christian diet programs offer food and exercise recommendations, as well as support from peers and leaders. If interested, check out Christian diet websites and consult with your dietician for a proper evaluation.
Diet Programs provides detailed information on Diet Programs, Free Diet Programs, Online Diet Programs, Weight Loss Diet Programs and more. Diet Programs is affiliated with Weight Loss Diet Plans. | |
Herbal RemediesHow can I get rid of my scars?Wed, 2 Apr 2008 12:34:54 CST

There are several natural and
herbal remedies to prevent and treat scars by opening the kitchen cabinet. These
herbal methods are inexpensive and safe to
Nursing - Herbal remedies: Patient bewareSun, 01 Feb 2004 08:00:00 GMT
February 1, 2004 -- MANY PATIENTS take for granted that the foods and drugs they buy are safe. However, if your patients are taking or considering taking any herbal...
The Hepatitis Epidemic and Natural Remedies That Can Help - Natural News.comThu, 03 Apr 2008 15:25:14 GMT
MMR - Herbal remedies questioned.(DIET & NUTRITION)Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:00:00 GMT
January 8, 2007 -- WASHINGTON -- A new study has cast doubt on the value of herbal remedies in treating hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Interest in...
Herbal Remedies NewsNatural Toothbrushes
PMT, menstrual pain, menopause, irregularities of cycle, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, post-natal problems, lactation�
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Natural Toothbrushes
BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs
Almost everybody, at some point in their of life, has experienced weight-related problems. Most of us, women and men alike, are not content with what we see. We feel that unless we are wafer thin like the models and celebrities we see on television and magazines, we will never be attractive and beautiful.
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BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs
Fullers Earth Powder
The topic of grain consumption is a hot one. There is a school that says we should eliminate them completely and another that says they should make up the backbone of our diet.
The no-grain school say�s that our bodies have not the machinery to process them as our bodies are still similar to Fred Flintstones, and their diets mainly consisted of meat and vegetables. What they fail to address is that wild grains and seeds have been found to have been consumed by early man (Nourishing Traditions, page 474).
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Fullers Earth Powder
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Health and Nutrition discussion
Killeen Daily Herald - Killeen Daily HeraldWed, 02 Apr 2008 10:31:47 GMT
Killeen Daily HeraldKilleen Daily Herald, TX - Apr 2, 2008The powder contains a staggering 2000 mg of taurine and 250 mg of caffeine. Consumers can purchase the drink mix online in quantities with titles including ... |
Intuit Beauty’s IngredientsSun, 16 Mar 2008 00:00:00 EDT
Borago Officinalis Seed Oil - Rich in antioxidants, this plant oil contains high levels of essential fatty acids, which moisturize and lubricate the skin....
Roobibos Reviews and informationFri, 21 Mar 2008 19:59:01 EDT
Guarana Powder | Guarana Capsules | Guarana Seeds | Guarana Seed | Guarana Seed Tincture...
Killeen Daily Herald - Killeen Daily HeraldWed, 02 Apr 2008 10:31:47 GMT
Killeen Daily HeraldKilleen Daily Herald, TX - Apr 2, 2008The powder contains a staggering 2000 mg of taurine and 250 mg of caffeine. Consumers can purchase the drink mix online in quantities with titles including ... |
Guarana Seed Powder DiscussionSuperfoods: A - E
When you're honest with yourself and with others, people will trust you. This trust is what helps your MLM business to grow and be successful. My experience is that people will not follow someone they can not trust.
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Superfoods: A - E
Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG
1. Experts challenge study linking sleep, life span.
Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on Marc's e-book at: To get Marc's free e-zine, visit
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Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG
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Healthy Food For Kids
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Health and NutritionHealth Insurance and Life Insurance Are Two Very Different Animals
The purpose of health insurance is to protect an individual against the possibility of having to pay large medical bills by offering either full or partial coverage for a range of medical procedures and treatments. Life insurance, on the other hand, is designed to pay out a lump sum, which is specified in the policy, in the event of the death of the policyholder.
Life insurance is normally purchased as either a whole life or term life policy. Term life insurance is the simplest form of life insurance and is also the least expensive as it pays out only on the death of the policyholder. Term life insurance can normally be purchased for as little as one year or for as long as 30 years and, in order for the policy to pay out, the policyholder must die during the term of the policy. As a general rule, individuals normally take out term life insurance towards the later years of their life or when they feel that for some reason their life is likely to be at greater risk over a short period of time.
Whole life insurance combines both a term life insurance policy and an investment plan. The premiums paid into a whole life insurance policy are divided between the two, with that part of the premium assigned for investment normally being paid into an investment vehicle, such as stocks and bonds or a mutual fund, chosen by the policyholder. Many people choose whole life insurance to provide both protection for their family and also as a savings vehicle, normally for retirement. However, as these policies on usually heavily loaded with both fees and commissions they are not always a terribly suitable form of investment once costs are taken into consideration.
Although the price of both a life insurance policy and a health insurance policy are both dependent upon the policyholder's age and state to health, with younger and healthier people paying less than those who are older and in poor health, these two forms of insurance are very different animals.
For most people, despite some common misconceptions, it should not be a matter of choosing between one and the other. Both have their place and for many people it is advisable to hold both. Health insurance coverage is often provided by an employer and many employers will also offer the ability to purchase life insurance through a company scheme. In this situation, it is advisable to take up the offer of both.
If it does become a question of choosing between the two, then this should be very much a question of your own personal circumstances and how much you can afford to pay. On balance, if you can only afford one then it would probably be to your advantage to choose health insurance rather than life insurance because it only takes one accident or illness to leave you facing a medical bill which you have little or no chance of being able to pay without insurance.
If you do find yourself in the position of facing considerable medical bills without health insurance then one thing that you might consider is purchasing a term life insurance policy with a payout that is high enough to clear the bills. This will not of course help to pay your medical bills in the short term, but it will at least spare your family the worry of inheriting a sizable debt in the event of your death.
If you are looking for life insurance or low cost health insurance then there is probably no better place to start your search than right here on the Internet. | |
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Natural Remedies article
Lucuma Flour NewsNew Products
7. Veer away from regular potatoes. Instead switch to sweet potatoes or pasta.
8. If you�re not suffering from arthritis, add beans and lentils to your regular meals.
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New Products
Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG
The Connection Between Fitness and Singles
What's the connection between dating and singles? It seems like gyms are often popular places to meet people, and fitness singles sites are cropping up to satisfy the needs and wants of online daters looking for partners to workout with and romance at the same time. Is there a significant connection between the fitness industry and single life?
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Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG
Rio Yerba Mate Teabags 40 x 1500mg bags
Over 60 health studies have been conducted thus far on the benefits of the goji fruit. The results of these studies show positive and strong results indicating various health benefits to those whose daily diet consists of ingesting the goji fruit.
What the researchers are finding, in controlled clinical studies, is astonishing. If the healing power and life extending properties of goji juice hold up to scientific scrutiny and can be replicated and validated, diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis, immune deficiencies, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, insomnia and more will take a dramatic turn for the better.
Where Can I Find Out More About Goji?
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Rio Yerba Mate Teabags 40 x 1500mg bags
Lucuma FlourBakery offers Peruvian sweets and lots of yapa (Miami Herald)Thu, 06 Mar 2008 08:23:13 GMT
L'Arte Bianco Bakery is a family-run place in a Kendall strip mall with Peruvian specialties plus traditional French confections. The name means ''the art of white'' in Italian, referring to flour, the main ingredient in the baked goods made on the premises daily.
Bavarois de lúcuma (Lucuma bavarois)Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:32:59 EDT
You have to rehydrate the lucuma flour with the same quantity of cold water for 2 or 3 hours, to get a puree....
A "Splash" of creativitySun, 03 Feb 2008 12:45:46 EDT
/4 cup oats, ground into a flour 1 Tbsp. lucuma 1 Tbsp. mesquite 3-4 soft pitted dates 1 Tbsp. agave nectar 1/2 tsp....In a food processor, combine almonds, cashews, coconut, oats, lucuma and mesquite. Add dates, agave, vanilla and sea salt. Process to form a dough. ... /4 cup sesame seeds, ground into a flour 1/4 coconut flakes, ground into a flour 1...Plain Donuts 3/4 cup almonds, finely ground 1/4 cup cashews, finely ground 1/4 cup coconut, finely ground 1 /4 cup oats, ground into flour 1 Tbsp. lucuma 1 Tbsp. mesquite 3-4 soft pitted dates 1 Tbsp. agave nectar 1/2 tsp....
St Johns Wort Powder
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