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Superfood SupplementsHealthy Aging: Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis:

What are the key issues facing both seniors and aging baby boomers today?
I recently spoke to a diverse group of the aging population about three distinct and common problems facing them. These common yet serious problems are:

1. Osteoporosis
2. Falls
3. Adverse Drug Reactions

For each condition, I defined and reviewed the problem, went though a case history and then finally gave them practical action steps to solve the problem.

The topic for part 1 is the all too prevalent and but highly preventable Osteoporosis. A simple but accurate definition of osteoporosis is: A decrease in bone mass and bone density resulting in an increased risk and/or incidence of fracture.

We all know that dietary intake of calcium is extremely important. However, it is the absorption of calcium that is even more significant.

To illustrate the many important facets of osteoporosis, I will proceed through the 40 year case study of a woman named Pauline.

At the age of 40, Pauline was very active and healthy and worked part time at an office. She had 2 school age children and always prepared well balanced meals for her family. She was seen moving through her community so quickly that the neighbors called Pauline "The Road Runner"

Between the age of 40 and 50, Pauline developed stomach and bowel problems. These conditions are very important in this case as she was later diagnosed with Celiac disease. Although she ate well, the calcium in her diet was not being absorbed. After Pauline underwent bladder repair surgery she began to experience fatigue and joint pain.

She was prescribed NSAIDS for the joint pain for over two years. What are NSAIDS? In my presentation, I had 4 of the participants blurt out in unison, "non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs." (Examples of NSAIDS are Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and Celebrex) These drugs helped a smidgen, but Pauline still had lots of aches and pains and her stomach problems became worse. The stomach discomfort became so bad that she started to develop a duodenal ulcer.

After Pauline was diagnosed with Celiac disease, she continued to experience very sore joints and muscles. At the request of her son, she went to see a chiropractor.

The Chiropractor took X- Rays and discovered that she had osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and scoliosis.

At the time Pauline was developing osteoporosis, there was no such thing as a bone density test. If she and her doctors had known about the osteoporosis, much pain, disability and loss of function could have been avoided.

Since Pauline's osteoporosis was not detected in time she developed the following ailments and conditions:

* Weakening of the bones
* Compression fracture of the thoracic spine (mid back)
* Scoliosis
* Aggravation of existing osteoarthritis
* Daily Pain
* Loss of function and mobility
* Walking became extremely difficult and she eventually required the use of a walker, cane and wheelchair.

The reason I am so familiar with the details of this case is that Pauline is my mother.

How many of your mothers have a similar story?

When should we start checking Bone Density? It is my opinion that we should routinely start checking for osteoporosis before women go through menopause. I also believe that men should also be tested for bone density once they reach middle age.

Osteoporosis Facts:

* One in two women and one in eight men over age 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime.
* While osteoporosis is often thought of as an older person's disease, it can strike at any age.
* The prevalence of osteoporosis in Canada is about 16% in women age 50 years or older and approximately 6.5% in men.
* For the most part it is preventable!

5 Steps to Prevent Osteoporosis

* Get your daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D
* Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise
* Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol
* Talk to your healthcare provider about bone health
* Have a bone density test and take medication and supplements when appropriate

Today's action step is to make an appointment to get a bone density test done today!

About the Author

Dr. Larry sees his mission today as one of living and promoting the tremendous benefits of chiropractic, health and fitness for the whole family. He uses his diversified life experiences to help his patients reach their maximum healing potential. He actively speaks in the community about health, healing and fitness and strongly encourages every person to take charge and responsibility for his or her own health. Dr. Larry is a published author

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