Thursday, December 04, 2008

Have you heard of Black Cohosh Herb

Black Cohosh Herb TopicsDamiana Powder

2. No. Aluminum has by products that are extremely dangerous. One of these is alum which acts as an irritant, particularly on the stomach. This in turn causes disturbances of the digestion and eliminative functions of the body. Aluminum acetate, another by product, is a standard embalming fluid, and yet, aluminum acetate is precisely what is manufactured when vinegar is placed in an aluminum pot. The combination of aluminum acetate and aluminum chloride, which is easily formed by adding salt to the vinegar in an aluminum utensil, is a deadly disinfectant.

When we cook in aluminum pots, a considerable amount of this metal enters directly into our blood stream and is carried to all the organs of our body. The poisonous effects pile up day after day as we eat more and more food prepared this way. While each day's amount may be small, the total can be extremely dangerous to our health, progressively affecting our reproductive system, nervous system, blood stream and heart. So, do not cook in aluminum pots!

3. No. The sun is a wonderful source of energy and health, although could be a dangerous and harmful force when not dealt with intelligently. Over exposure to the sun can lead to painful, even fatal burns, skin cracks, bleeding, headaches, dizziness, and nervous disorders.
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Damiana Powder


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