Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Health article

Our thoughts on Gelatinised Maca PowderFact Sheets


Head ache
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Fact Sheets

Superfoods: K - Q

In addition to disrupting both the male and female reproductive system, soy has been implicated in a great deal of endocrine related problems for young boys and girls exposed to soy while in utero or as infants.

Due to the dangers to your child, you should never eat soy while pregnant or breastfeeding anyway so unless you munch a few edamame occasionally, soy should be the first food item to go for a couple trying to conceive.

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Superfoods: K - Q

Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules

This name is given to the body�s condition when detoxification occurs quickly and your body does not have enough time to actually release the toxins and you will find that some detox diets will produce this effect. Very often a lot of people will stop such detox diets as they think it is making them worse rather than better, when in fact if they continue with the diet the symptoms they are feeling will soon reduce and they will start to feel healthier.
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Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules



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