Sunday, April 13, 2008

A blog about Acai

Acai NewsDr Wheatgrass Supershots - Bottled Wheatgrass Juice

Information for parents are now more readily available, thanks to the internet. The information covering all the stages of child development, from birth to adulthood, are however, widely spread out in different pockets on different web sites all over the internet and cannot be accessed without extensive research and cost. Leaders Circle Family Web Club has therefore bridged the gap by bundling products together, to cover all the stages of successful child development, successful child rearing and successful parental influence, in one place. We have also created a Free Parenting Business Franchise for Schools and energetic Entrepreneurs in the form of a combined online/offline business opportunity.
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Dr Wheatgrass Supershots - Bottled Wheatgrass Juice

Libido for Women

Methods and Techniques of Medical Astrology

Medical astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with the possible and actual health and diseases of the client. Usually, people come to the astrologer in times of great life changes, such as
View this site for more Info on...
Libido for Women

AcaiAcai Berries - Health Benefits Of Berry Juice And Freeze Dried Powder

Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:52:33 EST
Acai berries and acai berry juice products are some of latest supplements to enter the health food category as a superfood. Residents and natives of Brazil are very familiar with this berry and its pr...

The Acai Berry- Jewel of the Amazon

Fri, 21 Dec 2007 16:40:00 EST
On Saturday, January 8, 2005, MonaVieTM Juice was introduced to the world as a potent fruit juice blend of 19 fruits. It's main ingredient is the legendary Acai Berry from the Amazon, named first on t...

General HealthThe Cabbage Soup Diet Explained

This one is almost certainly in the 'Fad' camp. And you REALLY have to like cabbages in order to try this diet! You probably won't be surprised to find that this 7 day diet plan requires you to eat cabbage soup, constantly. The rationale behind the Cabbage Soup Diet is that cabbage can somehow 'flush' fat from your body. Of course, this claim is unsubstantiated, and has no medical research to back it up.

While you have to basically eat a lot of cabbage soup, you can eat a few other things too. According to research done by staff at, a typical Cabbage Soup day might include all the cabbage soup you can eat, a couple of glasses of skinned milk, and an entire bunch of bananas. This, of course is a recipe for wind, and that side effect is something the proponents of the Cabbage Diet don't dwell on (much like Atkins Diet fans don't mention the bad 'Lion' breath it tends to give you!).

If the cabbage soup diet works at all, it is because the base foodstuff is low cal. This restricts your calorific intake, while simultaneously filling you full of fiber and filling your stomach which lessens hunger pangs. The cabbage soup diet claims you can lose up to 10 pounds in a single day, which is dangerous to the extreme, and definitely not regarded as safe practice by doctors. As a 'crash' diet, the initial weight loss tends to be mostly water, which is, of course, rapidly replaced. At, we therefore believe that as a long term solution to losing weight and keeping it off, the Cabbage Soup Diet probably has rather marginal utility.

Should you try it? If your doctor has no objections, and you have a mild fetish for cabbages, and an air-conditioned house, feel free. Otherwise, you will probably be better off following a more health-orientated diet.

About The Author

Gloria Edmonds writes articles exploring the latest fad diets for the free diet site.

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